• Marble material

    a professional stone manufacturer DISNEY GOLD SUPPLIER SHANGHAI,CHINA.

  • Marble material

    a professional stone manufacturer DISNEY GOLD SUPPLIER SHANGHAI,CHINA.

  • Marble material

    a professional stone manufacturer DISNEY GOLD SUPPLIER SHANGHAI,CHINA.

News>Starrock News

Can I use marble on my kitchen counters

Addtime : 2016-10-20 View : 3102次

Yes, but be aware marble (and limestone and travertine) are calcium carbonate, and their polished surface is more vulnerable to household acids including vinegar, mustard, catsup, citrus and a host of other food-related products. These acidic substances cause a chemical reaction, which will remove the polish. Additionally, marble and limestone can be scratched more easily than harder stones such as granite.

Marble does make a perfect pastry slab; its perfectly smooth, cool surface is ideal for rolling out dough and pie crusts.

What is etching?

Etching happens when acid in some form comes in contact with a polished marble or limestone surface. This causes a chemical reaction, which removes the polish, or roughens the surface of honed marble or limestone. Granite is impervious to any common household acids.

What’s the best way to clean marble and other soft stones?

The old rule of thumb is never to use anything you wouldn’t use on your hands. Never use powdered cleansers or abrasive pads to clean your stone. Even "soft scrub" type cleaners contain pumice, which is powdered volcanic stone, and might damage your stone countertops or floors. Never use any product which is acidic; this includes substances like ammonia or many common liquid cleaners such as Windex. You should always use sealers and cleaning products designed specifically for natural stone. There are excellent stone-friendly (and user-friendly)